Intellectual Property

Our specialty also includes Intellectual Property Law, where we help companies and individuals with ownership rights over their invented or created materials. We also handle IP registration, licenses and assignments, as well as all related legal disputes before courts or alternative dispute resolution bodies if required.

Areas of practice:

  • Information technology Patent law Copyright law Trademark law Licensing Trade secret law Unfair competition Our services:
  • Advising clients on legal rights and actions involving intellectual property.
  • Representing clients before court and any alternative dispute resolution and negotiating legal settlements.
  • Consulting clients, reviewing, creating and advising them on certain legal IP documents, such as patents, trademarks and copyrights.
  • Drafting contracts or licensing agreements pertaining to IP rights, including transferring ownership rights of intellectual property.
  • Conducting in-depth legal research to help with court cases or legal proceedings.
  • Collaborating with transnational IP registration offices.


Request a Consultation

Contact us with what you are looking to achieve and we can schedule a FREE initial consultation to discuss your problems and goals.